Our corporation is glad to have globally recognized partners and we understand your business to ensure the success of not only our own but our partners' operations.
chOICe is yours
If you have any interest in specific car. Our company will provide solution from buying it for you from Korean market after full car check up and deliver it to you.
Getting cars from Korean market is the most efficient way to get good quality cars in a lowest price. The largest platforms selling used car online in Korea have more than millions cars from various brands. All well inspected and certified.
Just check up the online shops and choose any car you would like. And we will help you reinspect and buy that car for you.
our own YARD
Our company has our own yard where we can keep customers cars safe and secure before shipping. No worries on shipping dates.

buying procedure
Step by step procedure of acquiring cars. Our company will always provide with the best service to meet any of our customers needs.

1. Inquiry

2. Choose your car*

3. Deposit**

4. Final decision***

5. Balance payment**

6. Delivery****
* List of online Korean markets with great selection of cars: SK Encore, Boda Dream, and K-car.
** The payments to be done within 3 business days.
*** Before the customers' final decision our team will re-inspect the car providing with the photos and videos.
**** The schedule and the export documentation will be informed and provided after the final payment is received.